Publishing House is a web platform for pilots and about pilots. For the work of pilots that we want to make better and safer worldwide.
Our passion: improving Marine Pilots' work.
The central task of is to bring together the large community of Pilots with their specific themes in one place. With the support of the community, we want to gather all the information available worldwide about the pilot and his work and publish it on
We want to promote every form of cooperation and information exchange between Pilots and their partners on this platform.
By providing information and services, we want to support and constantly improve the work of Maritime Pilots.
Target groups of
• Marine Pilots
• Organizations, associations, companies offering pilotage services
• Suppliers of pilot equipment, information and services
New Ships Orderbook
Informieren Sie sich heute über die Schiffe von morgen!
Das New Ships Orderbook ist ein Analyse- und Forschungs-Instrument für die maritime Industrie. Es veröffentlicht aktuelle und erwartete Schiffsbestellungen ("Gerüchte") auf dem internationalen Schifffahrtsmarkt seit 2015.
Get the information today about the ships of tomorrow!
The New Ships Orderbook is an analysis and research tool for the maritime industry. It publishes actual as well as expected ship orders („rumours") in the international shipping market since 2015.